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Showing posts from January, 2018

My thoughts on Ravinder Singh's new book, "This love that feels right", Open marriages and love outside marriage

This love that feels right, based on the concept, “you can control someone’s actions, not their mind”, is a thought provoking take on open marriages and emotional bonds outside marriage. The book beautifully explores how an emotional void in a relationship can lead to a man or a woman seeking companionship outside marriage, and no, they are not wrong. At the end of the day, we are all human beings, and crave to be deeply understood, valued, and respected by our partner. But when these basic human needs are not satisfied, a man or a woman tends to become more vulnerable to share their innermost feelings with someone who understands, values and respects them. Emotional void is as good as suffocation, and who enjoys that? Of course! Every marriage goes through its ups and downs. You cannot give up on someone you love, just because you had a fight/difference of opinion. Of course not. But what when someone takes the efforts to make things work, but their partner is still indiffe

'Your Dreams Are Mine Now' by Ravinder Singh

Your Dreams are mine now(YDAMN), is a gripping story of love, innocence, dreams, courage and the harsh reality of the society we live in. YDAMN is the beautiful story of two people, Rupali and Arjun, having contrasting personalities, falling in love with each other, and then, STANDING by it. The beauty of this book is that it is a brutal reflection of our society, written with immense passion, conviction and dignity. This not the typical story of a gentleman falling in love with a lady and going down on his knees, followed by a happy ending.  Instead, here, it is the lady who takes charge and is the one to first confesses her love to her man, in a subtle yet touching way. This is the story where a woman chooses to stand up for the dignity of another woman, and the price she had to pay for it. This is the story where a man chooses to stand by his lady, without bothering about “what will the society think/say”. This is the story where a man upholds the dignity, vision and miss